What is Spinal Manipulation?
Spinal manipulation is the use of high velocity, low amplitude joint mobilization techniques to assist in restoring joint mobility.
If your physiotherapist feels you are at risk for any of the potential side effects after your examination, this will be discussed with you, and alternate techniques will be utilized.

Does Spinal Manipulation have side effects?
• Muscle/joint soreness 1-2 days post treatment is normal; this will settle with ice/heat/rest.
• Manipulation of the cervical spine can potentially affect the blood vessels in the neck, which could lead to dizziness, nausea, fainting or stroke.
• Joint instability: occasionally, manipulation of a joint will lead to excessive laxity in the stabilizingtissues; by careful screening and re-examination, this risk can be minimalized. Hypermobile jointswill usually settle with time, rest and corrective exercises.
*If any of these side effects occur, you should mention them to your physiotherapist.

Is there anything your physical therapist needs to know?
• If you have ever experienced a seizure or fainted.
• If you have a pacemaker or any other electrical implants. If you havea bleeding disorder.
• If you are taking anti-coagulants (blood thinners) or any other medications.
• If you have damaged heart valves or have any other particular risk of infection. If you arepregnant.
• If you have joint/metal implants.
• If you have any osteoporosis or rheumatoid arthritis.

Due to the nature of manipulation, we ask that you wear comfortable, loose clothing. If needed, a gown and/or shorts will be provided.
If you have any concerns regarding neck manipulation, please discuss them with your physiotherapist. By signing this document, you agree that you understand the possible complications and risks and have been given the opportunity to ask your practitioner questions.
